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올 여름, 10학년이 읽기 좋은 영어 책 리스트

곧 여름 방학이다. 여름 방학은 휴식과 함께 학력도 보충하고, 활기찬 바깥 활동을 하면서 체력도 보강할 수 있다. 또한 부족한 여러가지를 보충할 수 있는 시기다. 하지만 코로나 19로 다양한 활동이 제약을 받고 있다. 이러한 때 독서보다 더 좋은 활동은 없을 것이다. 

꼭 코로나 시국이 아니더라도 방학이면 조금 더 시간을 할애해서 독서를 해야 한다. 학년이 올라갈수록 독서를 할 시간은 점점 더 줄어들지만 독서는 모든 공부의 밑거름이 되어주므로 방학 동안이라도 일정 시간을 정해서 책 속에 빠지길 권한다. 특히 독서는 SAT 시험을 잘 볼 수 있는 독해력 향상에 큰 도움을 준다. 

다음은 10학년이 읽으면 좋을 만한 책 리스트이다. 이는  Nathan Hale High School 이 10학년들에게 준 독서 리스트다.

이 가운데 몇 권을 골라 읽고, 또 학생이 스스로 읽고자 하는 책을 함께 읽으면 좋겠다.

미래교육연구소는 독서의 어려움을 겪는 학생들을 위해 창의적 독서 프로그램을 운영하고 있다. 온라인으로 선생님과 영어로 책에 대한 이야기를 나누다보면 책에 대한 흥미도 유발되고, 책에 대한 이해도 잘 이루어 질 것이다.​

​[ Nathan Hale High School 10학년 독서 리스트]

Adams, Douglas. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. New York : Ballantine Books, 1995, c1980.

Seconds before Earth is demolished to make room for a galactic freeway, an earthman is saved by his friend. Together they journey through the galaxy. [1000]

Allende, Isabella. Eva Luna. New York : Bantam Books, 1989,c1987. National Book Award for

Young People’s Literature

Against a background of South American history and revolution, this love story portrays the relationship between a headstrong orphan and a German adventurer.

Anderson, Laurie. Speak. New York : Speak, 2006, c1999. Golden Kite-fiction winner.

National Book Award for Young People’s Literature finalist.

A traumatic event near the end of the summer has a devastating effect on Melinda's freshman year in high school. Includes bonus material and a new forward by the author. [680]

Asimov, Isaac. Foundation. New York : Bantam Books, 1991.

As the Galactic Empire declines, psychohistorian Hari Seldon and his band of psychobiologists form the Foundation; designed to form the nucleus of an eventual ideal universal ruling corporation. [830]

Bacigalupi, Paolo. Ship Breaker. New York : Little, Brown, 2010. National Book Award for Young

People’s Literature finalist; Prinz winner.

In a futuristic world, teenaged Nailer scavenges copper wiring from grounded oil tankers for a living, but when he finds a beached clipper ship with a girl in the wreckage, he has to decide if he should strip the ship for its wealth or rescue the girl. [690]

Bartoletti, Susan Campbell. They called themselves the K.K.K.: the birth of an American terrorist group. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 2010.

Documents the history and origin of the Ku Klux Klan from its beginning in Pulaski, Tennessee, and provides personal accounts, congressional documents, diaries, and more. [1180

Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York : Ballantine Books, [1982] Hugo Award winner.

A book burner in a future fascist state finds out books are a vital part of a culture he never knew. He clandestinely pursues reading, until he is betrayed. [890]

Chbosky, Stephen. The Perks of Being a Wallflower. New York : MTV Books/Pocket Books, c1999.

Charlie, a freshman in high school, explores the dilemmas of growing up through a collection of letters he sends to an unknown receiver. [720]

Christopher, Lucy. Stolen. New York : Chicken House, 2010. Printz Honor Award

Sixteen-year-old Gemma, a British city-dweller, is abducted while on vacation with her parents and taken to the Australian outback, where she soon realizes that escape attempts are futile, and in time she learns that her captor is not as despicable as she first believed. [570]

Cooney, Caroline B. What Janie Found. New York : Dell Laurel-Leaf, [2002], c2000.

While still adjusting to the reality of having two families, her birth family and the family into which she was kidnapped as a small child, seventeen-year-old Janie makes a shocking discovery about her long-gone kidnapper. [600]

Coy, John. Box Out. New York : Scholastic, [2010], c2008.

High school sophomore Liam jeopardizes his new position on the varsity basketball team when he decides to take a stand against his coach who is leading prayers before games and enforcing teamwide participation. [530]

Diamond, Jared. Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. New York – Viking, 2005.

What caused some of the great civilizations of the past to collapse into ruin, and what can we learn from their fates? As in Guns, Germs, and Steel , Diamond weaves an all-encompassing global thesis through a series of fascinating historical-cultural narratives.

Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs and Steel: the Fates of Human Societies. New York : W.

W. Norton & Co., c1997. Pulitzer—Nonfiction winner.

Traces the development of primitive societies showing why some groups advanced more rapidly than others and how this progression explains why various populations stabilize at specific phases of development while others continue to evolve.

Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave. http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/23 [460]

Dowd, Siobhan. Bog Child. New York : David Fickling Books, 2008. Carnegie Award Winner. Edgar-Young Adult Award Winner. Guardian Award.

In 1981, the height of Ireland's "Troubles," eighteen-year-old Fergus is distracted from his upcoming A-level exams by his imprisoned brother's hunger strike, the stress of being a courier for Sinn Fein, and dreams of a murdered girl whose body he discovered in a bog. [530]

Green, John. An Abundance of Katherines. New York : Dutton Books, c2006. Prinz Award

honor winner

Having been recently dumped for the nineteenth time by a girl named Katherine, recent high school graduate and former child prodigy Colin sets off on a road trip with his best friend to try to find some new direction in life while also trying to create a mathematical formula to explain his relationships. [890]

Green, John. The Fault in Our Stars. New York : Dutton Books, c2012.

Sixteen-year-old Hazel, a stage IV thyroid cancer patient, has accepted her terminal diagnosis until a chance meeting with a boy at cancer support group forces her to reexamine her perspective on love, loss, and life. [850]

Green, John. Looking for Alaska. New York : Speak, 2007, c2005. Prinz Award winner

Sixteen-year-old Miles' first year at Culver Creek Preparatory School in Alabama includes good friends and great pranks, but is defined by the search for answers about life and death after a fatal car crash. [930]

Haddon, Mark. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. New York : Vintage Contemporaries, 2004, c2003. Guardian Award Winner

Despite his overwhelming fear of interacting with people, Christopher, a mathematically- gifted, autistic fifteen-year-old boy, decides to investigate the murder of a neighbor's dog and uncovers secret information about his mother. [1180]

Heiligman, Deborah. Charles and Emma: The Darwins’ Leap of Faith. New York : Holt,

2009. YALSA Book Award; Prinz Honor; National Book Award for Young People’s Literature.

A biography of English naturalist Charles Darwin that provides an account of the personality behind evolutionary theory and the affect of his work on his personal life, such as his relationship with his religious wife. [1020]

Heinlein, Robert A. Stranger in a Strange Land. New York : Ace Books, 1987,

c1961. Booklist; ALA Notable Childrens Book award.

After his arrival on Earth from his home on Mars, Valentine Michael Smith becomes the founder and pastor of a new religious sect. [940]

Hinton, S.E. The Outsiders. New York : Puffin Books, 1997.

Rivalry between rich and poor gangs in 1960s Oklahoma leads to the deaths of three teenagers and intense soul-searching for one of the youths involved, a sensitive fourteen- year-old writer named Ponyboy. [750]

Jaramillo, Ann. La Linea. New York : RB/Square Fish, 2008, c2006.

When fifteen-year-old Miguel's time finally comes to leave his poor Mexican village, cross the border illegally, and join his parents in California, his younger sister's determination to join him soon imperils them both. [650]

Johnson, Charles, Middle Passage. New York : Atheneum, 1990. National Book Award winner

In 1830, Rutherford Calhoun, a newly freed slave leading a dissolute life in New Orleans, finds himself forced into marriage. [1150]

Jones, Diana W. Howl’s Moving Castle. Greenwillow/Eos, p2008, c1986

Eldest of three sisters in a land where it is considered to be a misfortune, Sophie is resigned to her fate as a hat shop apprentice until a witch turns her into an old woman and she finds herself in the castle of the greatly feared wizard Howl.

Kidder, Tracy. Mountains Beyond Mountains. New York : Random House Trade

Paperbacks, 2004, c2003. Booklist; Kirkus awards

Traces the efforts of Dr. Paul Farmer to transform healthcare on a global scale, documenting his visits to some of the world's most impoverished regions and the unconventional methods that enabled him to improve and save lives. [1080]

Knowles, John. A Separate Peace. Scribner., n.d. Booklist award

Set at a boys' boarding school in New England during the early years of World War II, A Separate Peace is a harrowing and luminous parable of the dark side of adolescence. Gene is a lonely, introverted intellectual. Phineas is a handsome, taunting, daredevil athlete. What happens between the two friends one summer, like the war itself, banishes the innocence of these boys and their world. A bestseller for more than thirty years, A Separate Peace is John Knowles's crowning achievement and an undisputed American classic. [1110]

Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. Philadelphia, Lippincott [1960]. Pulitzer Prize

Eight-year-old Scout Finch tells of life in a small Alabama town where her father is a lawyer and undertakes the defense of an African American man accused of rape. [870]

L’ Engle, Madeleine. A Ring of Endless Light. Newberry Honor

During the summer her grandfather is dying of leukemia and death seems all around, 15- year-old Vicky finds comfort with the pod of dolphins with which she has been doing research.

London, Jack. The Call of the Wild. New York : Tor, 1990, c1986.

The story of the sled dog, Buck, who was mistreated by his master and broke free to roam the Alaskan wilderness. [1120]

Lowry, Lois. The Giver. New York : Bantam Doubleday Dell Books, [1994], c1993. Young

Readers Choice Award; Horn Book; Newberry Award.

Given his lifetime assignment at the Ceremony of Twelve, Jonas becomes the receiver of memories shared by only one other. He then learns the terrible truth about the Community. [760]

Magoon, Kekla. The Rock and The River. New York : Aladdin, 2009.

In 1968 Chicago, fourteen-year-old Sam Childs is caught in a conflict between his father's nonviolent approach to seeking civil rights for African-Americans and his older brother, who has joined the Black Panther Party. [550]

Mathabane, Mark. Kaffir Boy: the true story of a Black youth's coming of age in Apartheid South Africa . New York : New American Library, 1987, c1986.

Mark Mathabane was weaned on devastating poverty and schooled in the cruel streets of South Africa's most desperate ghetto, where bloody gang wars and midnight police raids were his rites of passage. Like every other child born in the hopelessness of apartheid, he learned to measure his life in days, not years. Yet Mark Mathabane, armed only with the courage of his family and a hard-won education, raised himself up from the squalor and humiliation to win a scholarship to an American university. This extraordinary memoir of life under apartheid is a triumph of the human spirit over hatred and unspeakable degradation. For Mark Mathabane did what no physically and psychologically battered "Kaffir" from the rat-infested alleys of Alexandra was supposed to do - he escaped to tell about it. [1040]

McDonald, Janet. Spellbound. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001.

Raven, a teenage mother and high school dropout living in a housing project, decides, with the help and sometime interference of her best friend Aisha, to study for a spelling bee which could lead to a college preparatory program and four-year scholarship. [580]

Napoli, Donna Jo. Alligator Bayou. New York : Wendy Lamb Books, c2009.

Fourteen-year-old Calogero Scalise and his Sicilian uncles and cousin live in small-town Louisiana in 1898, when Jim Crow laws rule and anti-immigration sentiment is strong, so despite his attempts to be polite and to follow American customs, disaster dogs his family at every turn. [430]

Orwell, George. Animal Farm. New York : Signet Classic, [1996]. American Library

Association Notable Books.

A political satire in which animals take over running a farm but find their utopian state turning into a dictatorship. [1170]

Pearson, Mary E. The Adoration of Jenna Fox. New York : Square Fish, 2009, c2008. Golden Kite Fiction Honor.

Seventeen-year-old Jenna Angeline Fox wakes from a long coma with no memory of who she is, and is sent home with her mother and inexplicably hostile grandmother where hours of video recordings of her childhood help spark her memories and send her on a horrifying quest to learn what really happened to her. [570]

Pratchett, Terry. Nation. New York : HarperCollins, c2008. Horn Book; Printz

After a devastating tsunami destroys all that they have ever known, Mau, an island boy, and Daphne, an aristocratic English girl, together with a small band of refugees, set about rebuilding their community and all the things that are important in their lives. [790]

Quammen, David. Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic. New York -

WW Norton & Co, 2012. Booklist Adult Editors' Choice; PW's Best Books of the Year 2012.

A masterpiece of science reporting that tracks the animal origins of emerging human diseases.

Remarque, Erich M. All Quiet on the Western Front. New York : Fawcett Crest, 1982, c1929.

Depicts the experiences of a group of young German soldiers fighting and suffering during the last days of World War I. [830]

Riggs, Ransom. Miss Peregrin’s Home for Peculiar Children. Philadelphia : Quirk Books, c2011.

Sixteen-year-old Jacob, having traveled to a remote island after a family tragedy, discovers an abandoned orphanage, and, after some investigating, he learns the children who lived there may have been dangerous and quarantined and may also still be alive. [890]

R Veronica. Under the Never Sky. New York : Harper, c2012. YALSA Best Fiction 2013.

When Aria, a sheltered and fragile Dweller, is exiled from her home in Reverie, she must face The Death Shop, a land filled with cannibals and dangerous energy storms, and her only hope for staying alive depends on Outsider Perry, a savage hunter. [580]

Saenz, Benjamin Alire. Last Night I Sang To The Monster: A Novel. El Paso, TX : Cinco Puntos Press, c2009.

Eighteen-year-old Zach does not remember how he came to be in a treatment center for alcoholics, but through therapy and caring friends, his amnesia fades and he learns to face his past while working toward a better future. [490]

Sepetys, Ruta. Between Shades of Gray. New York : Speak, 2012, c2011. Golden Kite Fiction Winner. 2014 Young Readers Choice Award Nominee. 2012 Carnegie Short List.

In 1941, fifteen-year-old Lina, her mother, and brother are pulled from their Lithuanian home by Soviet guards and sent to Siberia, where her father is sentenced to death in a prison camp while she fights for her life, vowing to honor her family and the thousands like hers by burying her story in a jar on Lithuanian soil. Based on the author's family, includes a historical note. [490]

Sheinkin, Steve. The Notorious Benedict Arnold: A True Story of Adventure, Heroism, & Treachery. New York - Roaring Brook Press, 2010. 

Horn Book Award for Nonfiction.

Most people know that Benedict Arnold was America's first, most notorious traitor. Few know that he was also one of its greatest war heroes. This accessible biography introduces young readers to the real Arnold: reckless, heroic, and driven. Packed with first-person accounts, astonishing battle scenes, and surprising twists, this is a gripping and true adventure tale.

Stone, Tanya Lee. Almost Astronauts: 13 women who dared to dream. Somerville, Mass. : Candlewick Press, 2009. Horn Book Non-fiction Honor winner.

Profiles thirteen women who challenged social norms and government policies to prove they could be exceptional astronauts. [980]

Stratt Stratton, Allan. Chanda’s Secrets. Toronto ; New York : Annick Press ; Buffalo, NY), c2004. 2005 Printz Honor.

Chandra Kabelo, a sixteen-year-old in a small South African town, faces down shame and stigma in her efforts to help friends and family members who are dying of AIDS. [590]

Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings (series). Boston : Houghton Mifflin, [2004], c1954.

Series: Fellowship of the Ring; The Two Towers; The Return of the King. [860]

Werlin, Nancy. The Rules of Survival. New York : Speak, 2008, c2006. National Book Award Finalist.

Seventeen-year-old Matthew recounts his attempts, starting at a young age, to free himself and his sisters from the grip of their emotionally and physically abusive mother.

Williams-Garcia, Rita. Jumped. New York : HarperTeen, c2009. 2009 NBA Youth Finalist.

The lives of Leticia, Dominique, and Trina are irrevocably intertwined through the course of one day in an urban high school after Leticia overhears Dominique's plans to beat up Trina and must decide whether or not to get involved. [600]

Wittlinger, Ellen. Hard Love. New York : Aladdin Paperbacks, 2001, c1999. Printz Honor.

After starting to publish a magazine in which he writes his secret feelings about his lonely life and his parents' divorce, sixteen-year-old John meets an unusual girl and begins to develop a healthier personality. [680]

Wright, Richard. Right of Passage.

When fifteen-year-old Johnny Gibbs is told that he is really a foster child, he runs off into the streets of Harlem and meets up with a gang that wants him to participate in a mugging. [600]

Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief. New York : Knopf, 2007. Prinz Award; Young Reader’s Choice


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

영어로 공부하는 학비무료 독일 대학원 가려면 어떻게 해야 할까?

국내외 대학 졸업 후, 지원 가능 학부 전공과 석사 전공이 일치돼야 전공 바꾸려면 학부 과정으로 다시 입학해야 독일과 노르웨이 대학원 석사 과정은 국제학생들에게도 무료다. 이것은 엄청난 축복이다. 서울대 연고대도 대학 석사과정에 가려면 비용이 든다. 들어도 꽤 많다. 그런데 독일 대학원과 노르웨이 대학원은 학비가 없다. 미국을 비롯해 영국, 스웨덴, 스위스, 네덜란드 대학원은 학비를 받는다. 그것도 꽤 많이 받는다.  최근 국내외 대학을 졸업하고 대학원에 진학해서 더 학업을 하고 싶어 하는 학생들이 많다. 그러나 대부분 나이를 먹고 부모에게 의존한다는 것이 힘들다는 것을 알기 때문에 스스로 벌어서 가거나 학비가 저렴한 곳을 찾는다. 그럼에도 독일 대학원과 노르웨이 대학원 석사과정에 학비가 없고 영어로 공부할 수 있다는 것을 아는 학생은 많지 않다.  최근 독일 및 노르웨이 대학원에 대한 문의가 전보다 훨씬 많아졌다. 오늘은 독일 대학원에 대한 이야기를 해 보자. 독일 대학원은 기본적으로 학비가 없다. 오직 fee만 있는데 이게 연간 30-60만 원 정도다.  독일 대학원의 많은 전공들이 영어로 개설돼있다. 물론 독일어로 개설된 전공들이 훨씬 더 많다. 그러나 international program이라고 해서 영어로 개설된 프로그램이 아주 많다 . 여기서 international 이란 말은 영어로 개설됐다는 뜻이다.  독일 대학원의 Engineering 전공에 영어로 개설된 전공이 308개나 된다. 독일의 여러 대학원에 개설된 영어로 할 수 있는 공학 전공을 합친 것이다. 독일의 공학은 매우 유명하다. TU9이라고 해서 9개 명문 공과대학이 주를 이룬다. 이 명문 공과대학 가운데 상당수가 많은 전공을 영어로 개설해 놓고 있으며 학비가 없다.  한국 고등학교를 졸업했거나 미국계 고등학교를 졸업한 경우 독일 대학 학부로 가기가 매우 까다롭다. 여러 차례 이 블로그에서 설명을 했지만 각 국가별 조건을 맞추어야 한다. 그러나 ...

미국 소재 한의대 대학원 과정으로 한의사 되려면

2년 이상 학부 과정 이수 후, 대학원 석사 과정 진학 중의학 석사 4년 과정, 대부분 3년에 수료 한때 국내에서도 한의대가 최고 인기를 누리던 때가 있었다. 명문 특목고 학생들 가운데 상위권 학생들이 대거 경희대 한의대를 비롯해 전국 한의과대학으로 진학을 했다. 예전만큼 한의대가 인기는 없지만 여전히 '퇴직 없는 전문직인 한의사'를 할 수 있다는 점 때문에 높은 경쟁률을 유지하고 있다. 2021 수시 경쟁률을 보면 전국 12개 한의대 평균 경쟁률은 29.53 대 1이고 경희대 한의대는 62.19 대 1로 최고다. 그런데 최근 일부이지만 미국에 소재하고 있는 한의대( 미국에서는 Oriental Medicine 혹은 Chinese Medicine이라고 함)에 관심을 보이는 학생들이 있다. 미국 한의대(중의대)는 학부 과정이 아니라 대학원 과정이다. 즉 Master 혹은 PhD 과정이다. 따라서 대학 학부를 졸업했거나 그와 동등한 자격을 갖추어야 한다.  우리는 6년 과정  한의대 과정을 마치고 한의사 시험을 보면  한의사로 활동을 할 수 있으나 미국은 2년 이상의 학부를 다니고  석사과정 4년으로 진학 후 시험을 보고 통과하면 한의사로 활동할 수 있다. 그러나 보통 3년 만에 모두 이수를 한다. 예과의 개념이 없다. 따라서 학부 2년 과정을 마치고 한의대를 갈 수 있다. 학부 4년을 마치고 가면 진학이 더욱 확실하다. 미국 연방 한의과 대학 인가 위원회 (ACAOM)의 최종 인가를 받은 학교는 미 전역에 50개가 넘는다. 이 가운데 캘리포니아주에 가장 많이 있다. 역사적으로 오랜 전통을 가진 중의학 대학들이 미 캘리포니아주에 있다. 수강 언어는 영어, 중국어, 한국어다. 한국에서는 양의와 한의 간의 갈등이 심하다. 일반 의과대학 출신 의사들은 한의사를 인정하려 들지 않는다. 그러나 미국은 중의학, 한의학이 대체의학으로써 완전히 자리를 잡고 있다. 서로 배척하지 않고 협력 체제를 구축하고 있다. 그래서 중국 대학에서 중의학을 전공...

미국 대학들의 정시 합격 발표일을 알려드립니다

  아이비리그 대학 4월 6일, 스탠퍼드 4월 9일 발표 3월 중순, 각 대학별 합격자 발표일 확정 미래교육연구소, 합격 대학 중 대학 선택 컨설팅 제공 ​ 미국대학에 정시원서를 제출한 12학년 학생들은 지금 초조한 시간을 보내고 있을 것이다. 오늘이 3월 8일, 내주부터는 정시 합격자 발표가 나오기 시작한다. 미국 대학들은 코로나 19로 인한 불확실성으로 학생마다 1인당 지원 대학 개수를 늘림에 따라 정시 합격자 발표에 애를 먹고 있다. 아이비리그를 포함한 상위권 대학들의 레귤러 지원자 수가 사상 최대를 기록했다. ​ 일반적으로 각 대학들은 3월말까지 정시 합격자를 발표한다는 방침이다. 그러나 코로나19로 인해 금년도 미국대학 입시에는 많은 변화가 왔다. 가장 큰 변화는 상위권 대학들의 지원자수 증가다. 이에 따라 레규러 합격자 발표가 늦춰지고 있다. 아이비리그 대학들은 4월 6일에 일제히 합격자를 발표할 예정이다. 이는 예년보다 1주일 이상 늦은 것이다. 스탠퍼드 대학은 합격자 발표일을 4월 9일로 연기를 했다. ​ 얼리 합격자 발표일을 늦춘 아이비리그 대학들은 등록 날짜 통보일을 5월 3일로 연장했다. 아래는 미국 대학 정시 합격자 발표일이다. 이 날짜들은 일반적인 날짜이기 때문에 3월중순에 가까울수록 합격자 발표일이 바뀔 가능성이 높다. 따라서 학생들은 자기가 지원한 대학의 합격 여부를 알기위해 정기적으로 확인을 할 필요가 있다. 특히 "TBD" 라벨이 붙은 날짜 또는 일반 시간(3월 중순/하순, 4월 초순 등) 프레임이 있는 날짜 및 시간을 확인해야 한다. ​ 미래교육연구소는 합격한 대학 가운데 어느 대학을 가야할지 고민하는 학생들을 위한 합격 대학 중 대학 선택 상담을 제공한다. 학생에게 맞는 대학을 찾아주는 상담이다. 상담을 원하는 분들은 아래 연락처로 문의하면 된다 . <미래교육연구소> ​ 다음 자료는 미국의 입시 컨설팅 기관인 Ivywise 홈페이지에서 참고한 것이다. School Regular Decision...